Considered moves traded in the forex market of the most important trading tools currency analysis considers various indicators that rely on fundamental analysis technical analysis or technical called one of the important things upon which the majority of investors to help them in their trading, and is a fundamental and technical Althaliln of the basics of the trading process, and must be understanding all about the basics of each analysis and how to take advantage of them, and some may prefer to focus on one analyzes have some believe that fundamental analysis is the most important others may see the opposite by using technical analysis is president.
Fundamental analysis
The effects of market indicators and thread
The successful rolling remains to carry out all the news relating to the trading market from the economic indicators and political news and decisions of the central banks, which play an important role in the movement of the market. On the other hand, technical analysis or technical is another important part of the trading process, however, depends a lot of traders on technical indicators and graphs that help us identify and build a proper trading plan, and can charts considered a mirror of the overall situation and the overall reflecting everything that goes on in the forex market, it is It offers all the future plans and expectations, and a lot of traders rely on trading direction (trend). We can say that the types of price action analysis is not separate from each other but are complementary to each other and can not be dispensed with technical analysis and news monitoring economic indicators and neglect of the behavior of currencies and the direction of the market,
Fundamental analysis
The market trend is a mirror trading
Technical Analysis on the study of the current market movements and build future expectations upon which depends, and these moves reflect As mentioned earlier, the impact of technical analysis or even psychoanalysis for traders who can be considered a kind of technical analysis, we can say that the movement of currencies may result primarily from the issuance of some indicators economic, have we come to the conclusion that the technical analysis relies heavily on fundamental analysis and we can not separate them, never. It can be considered as market movements are a reflection of the effects on the movement of the market resulting from the economic, political and behavioral indicators in general and from here we can say that the market is an integrated and interdependent process of all the different forms of trading analysis
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