الجمعة، 26 أغسطس 2016


 In this major section of the eBook I will be giving you some specific “opportunities” and the specific techniques to trade those opportunities, as you are used to from the way I presented similar ideas to you in my previous eBooks. However later in this section I start moving from “specific” techniques towards broader concepts of techniques due to the nature of the “Sailing” style of trading. The general concept of “Sailing” is to enter a trade, entering by any of many methods, with the intention of letting your trade travel a significant distance (hence the concept of “Sailing”). Again, I have provided you with some “specific” methodologies, but due to the nature of “Sailing” it would be virtually impossible to cover all the “specifics” and contingencies (this eBook is so far the largest eBook of all my eBooks), so I teach you the “concepts” so that you will understand how to use the specific techniques you have learned
in the other eBooks to accomplish the objective of “Sailing”. Be aware that what I have already shared with you thus far in this eBook isn’t just some interesting concepts but rather are the individual elements of the whole Sailing methodology. I believe that this method of teaching you how to sail is the best way so that you understand how to incorporate virtually any trading technique into a Sailing approach. As I’ve stated in the introduction and at other places within this eBook, this material is somewhat holographic, rather than being presented in a completely linear fashion (which is I think is virtually impossible to do). What this means to you is that the concepts taught individually at various places within this eBook are later meant to be fused together into a broader understanding. To help you understand what I mean think of this as baking a cake. You go to various stores to pick up the individual ingredients (all the pieces I teach you) that is later intended to all get mixed together in a big bowl (your mind) so that after it gets baked (you thinking about stuff) you have a cake which is drastically different and more valuable than the individual ingredients that went into it. I can’t give you the cake (the wisdom) but I can give you the ingredients (the knowledge) and instruct you on how to bake the cake in your own mind. Don’t worry, the result of you reading this eBook isn’t like those TV commercials where they showed an egg then an egg scrambled on a frying pan (“this is your brain; this is your brain on drugs”). I hope that this eBook achieves the goal of getting you to understand a lot of this stuff “holographically”.  

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