الثلاثاء، 30 أغسطس 2016


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪forex‬‏

The following is just interesting reading for you. Above I promised you that I’d elaborate on this subject here. Why did the brokers change their policy regarding honoring stops & entry orders? Well, here is the short version of the story. Some really smart guy (whose name we won’t mention here) came up with a truly genius trading strategy that proved to be an Amazing System for capturing humongous profits off of Fundamental Announcement moves. The technique was a killer method that worked for him like something other traders could only dream. This wise guy began wondering why nobody else seemed to have discovered the principle behind this marvelous trading method. This brilliant person turned into a bonehead when he decided to let his altruistic personality that cares about other people convince him to write this technique down to share with other people so that they too can experience fantastic explosions in their profits. Rather than keeping this amazing system to himself so that he could use it for years and years he wrote a book titled “Explosive Profits” (the original edition) and unleashed this dynamite out into the world. The people who got their hands on this document quickly proclaimed him to be a saint, blessing him, even prayed for him when he got injured. They made huge amounts of money very quickly and they were grateful to this guy. More and more people learned of this amazing Forex system, and more and more people were making money, but the Forex brokers started getting nervous because apparently they were loosing money because of this new technique people were using. In September of 2004 there were a couple of Fundamental Announcements that moved the markets HUNDREDS of pips in the matter of just a few minutes (actually seconds), which of course was good for the traders using the “Explosive Profits” technique (we were happy), but the Forex brokers got very scared and even lost their tempers… so they revised their policies regarding how they honor stop, entry and limit orders around the times of big FAs. 

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