الثلاثاء، 23 أغسطس 2016

Psychological indicators of currency trading markets

These indicators play an important role can not be overlooked impact on the movements of exchange market prices, Vohmath not less important analyzes of key markets, the private economic indicators, fundamental analysis and technical analysis, which examines the effects of price movements, has been the technical analysis reflects the feelings and the psyches of traders to the market depending on both positive forms and negative , the importance of psychological indicators in the reversible side neighborhood and continuous pulse and behavior upon which the trading markets, and can be sensitive and psychological behavior of the market analysis of the latest analysis considered reliable fundamental and technical Kalthalilin.

 Currency exchange
Currency exchange
The impact of psychological indicators on price movements in the forex market

Psychological indicators reflect real live state of the market and can be considered the feelings of traders either both positive or negative whether the engine is responsible for the effects of psychological indicators, and affect rumors significant impact on the deliberative behavior, that the impact of this particular rumor negative rumors and subsequent feelings of fear and greed and confusion or optimism and overconfident too heavily on market movement for example, when the activity occurs in the movement of the market, this is reflected on the mental state of traders are thus looking for an opportunity to enter and exploit the opportunities available and this may increase market activity, may enter private traders observers them and observers close to a state of hysterical deliberative and find them scrambling once the occurrence of any fluctuation in prices. We recall here the fatal rumor that led to the collapse of Wall Street in 1922, which then spread to the effect that the investor might be foolish if you bought shares worth USD percent.

 Currency exchange
Currency exchange
The use of psychological indicators during trading

The use of psychological indicators and exploited properly depends on the trading process to exercise prudence and intelligence and absorb all the events and details of the market to reach the proper deliberative direction and reincarnation possible opportunities to achieve major benefit of them, especially those indicators that appear when reflected in the market the other direction were these indicators show such as fear and anxiety clearly here, we can seize the opportunities wise and intelligent manner with extreme caution at the same time. Comprehensive knowledge is not limited to trading strategies or knowledge of everything related to trading or access to professional powerfully fundamental and technical analyzes, but went beyond that to master the psychological analysis of indicators and their impact on price movements.

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