This is the most important questions that are often found in front of you with any novice wanting to enter the field of trading the Forex market. And even give you an adequate answer to this question must warn here on a very important point. Forex market trading and investment field requires careful and fatigue and science is not considered a treasure or an oil well Sungarv him gold, rubies and coral. All Thsaltm him and conquered the minds of glamorous ads for fairy gains and income multiples and other things you completely ignoring the first step in the world of Forex. As for the answer to this question can be summarized in the beginning a number of things: recording your personal data in any forum or a page specialized in the field of Forex. Follow-up and reading all the information on forex as possible. Writing important notes in the paper side. Attend a seminar or training for the Forex course, whether in your country or at a regional conference, if not possible, to attend courses online. Start choosing a company that provides trading services in the Forex market and sign a simple calculation. Training for a period of not less than six months in a demo account and the availability of the demo account of the conditions of your choice for the company contracted by, and most companies offer this account is really free. Start trading steps calculated very simple operations. The first steps in the world of professionalism and gain experience.
This article Moved from nine site: Explanation of Forex for beginners: answers to questions inspire beginners in the forex
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