الثلاثاء، 30 أغسطس 2016


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪forex 2016‬‏

How do you get help when you need it? Wouldn’t it be nice to have me, or another experienced trader, around to answer questions when you need some guidance? Well unfortunately (for you) I can’t be around for you to pick my brain (my current rate for consultations is $300/h, and lately I’ve been refusing most requests), but there is good news for you… there are trained professionals ready at your beck & call 24 hours a day just waiting around to answer Forex related questions for you. Best of all, it’s FREE! Yes it’s true. All of the top Forex brokers (like FXCM, RefcoFX, Forex.com, CMS Forex, and there are others) provide a wonderful service called “Live Help”. They are paid (and trained) to sit there waiting for you to initiate contact with them to discuss your questions. As you can see from the above picture it’s a kind of “online chat” – you type to “talk” with the help representative. What are they there for? They are really there to answer all of your questions about how to use their trading software (and all client related questions), however they can also be helpful with questions regarding how to use charts,

and sometimes (explained below) even to discuss trading techniques. Are you unsure about how to enter trades, apply or change stops, limits, or entry orders? Confused about ANYTHING about using your trading station software? If so then drop them your questions and they’ll be delighted to answer them to help you understand. Remember, it is their job to be helpful. If you are confused about anything at all then don’t hesitate to chat with them. It is important as a trader to be very familiar with the tools you work with so please feel free to ask them anything you need to understand. Keep in mind that the person at the other end is a real live person, and so they can behave like real live people. By this I mean that sometimes you’ll get someone who is extremely knowledgeable and will be happy to answer your question with a smile, however sometimes you might land upon someone who is in training (and will seem to be unsure of the answers provided), and sometimes you can land upon a person who is apparently having a bad day. If you find that you are somewhat displeased or uncertain of the information provided to you then simply initiate another contact a few hours later asking the same question(s). If you ever get different answers to a question then be sure to ask a minimum of three times to make sure you have the correct answer. An important consideration to getting quality attention is to ask at the right time. There are times when they are busy, being flooded by questions, and times that they are less busy and more willing to spend more time with you. If you want to ask questions that are less related to their specific services, and especially if you want to discuss trading related topics then it is best to contact them when they are less busy. Obviously around huge Fundamental Announcements (especially the “Freaky First Fridays of the month”) they’ll be very short and to the point with you, and they certainly won’t waste their time answering questions pertaining to trading techniques. They’ll usually be happy to help you to understand how to use the charts that they recommend on their site. If you need help with anything about using the charts then just feel free to ask them. For the above-mentioned stuff just feel free to ask. That is what they are there for. Don’t feel stupid about asking any of your questions. Remember, we all have our beginnings and have to ask “basic questions”. Even once you are far more experienced don’t be afraid to ask them questions… heck even to this day I still ask them the occasional question (it’s better to know than to risk not knowing).

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