الاثنين، 22 أغسطس 2016

Get to Know CAC 40 index CAC

What is the CAC 40 index (CAC 40)?

Is an indicator reflects the activity of the largest 40 French indicators are listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, the most important indicators in the Paris Stock Exchange and in the European stock markets as reflecting the strength of the French economy and contribute with other important indicators as an indicator FTSE and DAX index IBEX and other key indicators of the economy activity in Europe, especially In the world as a whole it has to work and began trading this indicator on 31 of the month of December of 1987 by 1000 points. Where on a quarterly basis are reviewed and management of any index every three months to be re-listed shares arrangement on the activity and performance of these companies over the last previous years.

Listed companies

 The index reflects the strength of 40 French companies from various sectors on the basis of its capital and the activity and the volume of stock trading in which administered this index by Euronext company, provided the index that the proportion of listed company 15% of its value, where the indicator is based on the total market value is generally the size of not more than but in 2003 became dependent on shares of the performance of the movement of the largest 40 companies are being updated and arrange them on the basis quarterly, and France is the headquarters of these companies include some of the some influential outdoor activities, and most important companies comprising the index, Total international oil company and a series of famous and the Bank of Carrefour stores Credit and Investment Banking Group and BNP Paribas global company Renault auto company Michelin tires for the industry and the company Accor hotel.

Cursor movement

The index opened since the beginning of his worth 1,000 points and then it began trading operations and later became a major European indexes have passed this indicator periods of highs and lows as it recorded its highest level since its inception in September 2000, where he scored 6922.33 points. The previous year, the 2013-year-old Frenchman as bad as the CAC ratio fell more than 40% index. The index saw declines clear, especially in the end of 2013 under the optimism of French President Francois Hollande, the improvement in the economy for the new year 2014, predicting a growth rate of 1.2% and comes statements with the opposition Front for President feels he did nothing on the economic level in the previous year, during which France has seen tough economic conditions in spite of his promises to improve the economy in the previous year, but failed to achieve.

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