الجمعة، 26 أغسطس 2016

Forex Sailing

I think of the Forex market as the Sea; it is as large as the ocean (after all it is larger than any other
financial market). In my previous eBook, “Forex Surfing” I used the analogy that the techniques contained within it are similar to surfing little waves in the ocean (I enjoy body boarding which is a kind of surfing). Surfers only play in the ocean for a short period of time, maybe a few hours at a time, much like the trading concepts taught in that eBook. There are other people who like to spend time on the ocean in a sailboat (I’m not a sailor, but would gladly go if invited). Because of the nature of their watercraft they can spend significantly more time out in the Sea. They can stay out on the water for a whole day, even for multiple days. Whereas a surfboard is only suitable for a relatively short ride (few pips), someone in a boat can travel great distances (hundreds of pips). Thus the concept of this eBook, “Forex Sailing”, is to show you techniques that are better suited for longer term trading. The objective is therefore to teach you how to chase profits of 100 pips or more (typically hundreds, but occasionally even a thousand pips). Most people who trade larger moves in the Forex market typically trade fewer lots with larger stops paying more attention to the higher time frame charts exclusively. In this eBook I’ll definitely teach you some techniques that accomplish this, but I also have a different trading methodology that I will also be introduced to you here in this eBook. Years ago when I started trading I had a limitation that turned out to be a very big blessing (Napoleon Hill, author of the classic “Think and Grow Rich”, was right when he stated that adversity can be an advantage). When I first got into Forex I didn’t have much money and so placing trades that required large stops (of 100, 200 or even 300 pips) was simply out of the question for me (a few bad trades could have wiped out my trading account). The cliché is that “necessity is the mother of invention”, and so I proceeded to devise strategies that would allow me to enter into those larger trades but with a significantly reduced stop requirement. What my countless hours of watching charts, brainstorming, and “trial & error” trading resulted in was a series of trading strategies that not only

worked well, but actually worked exceptionally well – better in many cases than the standard trading techniques most Forex people teach. Because of the way these simple concepts work a trader using these methodologies can gain more profits from the same market move as another trader would catch using the standard technical analysis methods taught just about everywhere. What is the “secret”? It is simply using smaller trades, properly timed, to enter into much larger trading opportunities. Imagine a guy on a surfboard hitching a ride pulled along by a sailboat. Want an example of what I mean? Imagine that you’ve found some kind of trade opportunity that requires a 200 pip stop according to the standard methodologies of technical analysis trading. Following proper equity management of course let’s say you can trade one lot for that trade. Well what if you knew how to properly enter that same trade using a “surf” with a 20 pip stop, then couldn’t you trade 10 lots maintaining proper equity management? If you were to scalp your entry with a 10 pip stop then you could conceivably do as many as 20 lots. Let’s use the “surfing” example to contrast a comparison with the standard method. Let’s say, hypothetically, that the market was to move in our favor just 300 pips. Obviously the person trading the standard method made a profit of $3,000 representing a 1:1.5 risk-to-reward ratio. Our surfer however, starting with the same account size, and trading in the same market conditions succeeded in capturing $30,000 representing a risk to reward ratio of 1:15. Sure, our surfer had to work a little harder for this trade, but let me ask you, would a significantly better return such as that not be worth a little extra effort? I sure hope you think so! Let’s not even discuss the returns someone using a scalp could have captured. In this eBook I give you a mixture of methodologies - some straightforward “standard” kinds of techniques that are easy to implement, and some ingenious ways to tweak your trades to score even better returns. Some of the ideas presented in this eBook will take as little as five minutes of your time each day to work with, but some others may require more effort. I explain a few indicators that you’ll find helpful, including one that I’ve invented myself (S.E.X. lines) so you won’t learn this anywhere else. You’ll learn some more advanced ways to use brokers, and this eBook also explores some other topics pertinent to your trading. On a more personal note I declare that I do love trading Forex. I consider

myself a “joyful trader” (except on some days ;P ) and I hope that my enthusiasm comes through in these eBooks that I share with you. I am thrilled that you bought these eBooks (thank you very much by the way) not because of the few coins I earned from you (which I consider to be a “gratuity” for the job “well done” in sharing all this stuff with you) but rather because you’ve given me a venue to share my wisdom and my passion for Forex trading. I have relatively few people in my personal life who have little more than a passing interest (fascination) with what I do, and my heart has yearned to be able to express this zeal to someone… anyone. Unbeknownst to me at the very beginning of my days as a trader, Forex was to become a major blessing in my life. Forget about the financial rewards this path has brought (which is pleasant indeed), my “hobby” has prompted me to have many awesome life experiences, learn exciting new things, meet truly exception and inspiring people, find a fantastic “best friend”, and grow fat (ok, I’ll have to work on that one). The best blessing Forex has been able to provide me with is the privilege of being able to have my wife & I stay home, rather than going to some job we dislike, to watch as our beloved son plays, grows and sleeps (though since I do the trading I’ve convinced my wife that it’s only fair that she does the diapers). Throughout my life I’ve had one intense passion even greater than business; my spirituality. I can’t even begin to share the immense blessings that it has gifted me with, nor can I possibly express the depth of my gratitude. As I have learned from “A Course In Miracles”, I am entitled to miracles, and I am enriched by the peace, love & joy my spiritual path has bestowed. Having the time freedom to spend more leisurely hours reading, sitting on a beach, meditating, or just simply appreciating things is another gift made more accessible thanks to my “hobby”. It is my sincerest wish for you that you too cultivate a passion for Forex. May it endow your life with the financial rewards that has originally attracted you to it, but more so may it touch your life in yet unforeseen ways. May your heart’s deepest desires be fulfilled in some way aided by your new “hobby”. Let me share with you one more little secret before I end this “introduction”. There is a philosophical truth that you get back what you give, and that it is the teacher, not the student, that in fact learns the most through the process of teaching. Thus through the process of committing my thoughts and trading methodologies in writing I have learned a tremendous amount about trading. Writing forced me to clarify my own understandings in order to be able to concisely explain these concepts to you, and it also prompted me to refine some of my ideas to some powerful conclusions. This 

whole experience has been a catalyst to make me a better trader, and with this wisdom I leave you with a lesson – find someone to whom you can attempt to teach Forex trading (regardless of how inexperienced you are there is someone even less knowledgeable who would love an introduction). It is an enjoyable and rewarding endeavor to share a skill such as Forex, and in the process of explaining things to your friend you’ll find that you’ll integrate the lessons better yourself. Richard Bach said in his book Illusions, “You teach best what you most need to learn”. I must say, before you commence reading, that this eBook came out a bit “holographic”, meaning that it has a slightly abstract (non-linear) approach to the ideas presented. You’ll find places where I assume you have already read other relevant topics from other places within this eBook (sometimes from later sections) and even from other eBooks. I hope you’ll be able to follow my train of thoughts and understand everything. So now let us mutually embark upon the journey of learning “Sailing” techniques. I hope you will find reading this eBook to be both informative and enjoyable. Most of all I hope you become proficient in trading with these methods. Good luck and good trading!  

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