الجمعة، 26 أغسطس 2016


This is a technique that I have played around with but honestly don’t find that the use of this is by any means “Earth shattering”; not highly effective. The reason why I’m sharing this with you is because it is an extension of the above-mentioned concepts, and it can provide, somewhat roughly, a projected resistance / support.

  Ok, on this chart you see drawn the resisting trendline with some pullbacks and throwbacks. This is not what I’m trying to show you. Notice the other lines. Basically I connected the supporting & resisting trendlines on those minor trends within that larger trend. I’ve also connected a wave low to a wave high which isn’t a standard way to draw a trend, but works for this. Of course you can get many lines at different angles if you connect different points, however drawing the minor trendlines tend to have a similar angle. Notice that these lines together projected a range of resistance, which that big wave ended up getting resisted by. I speculate (meaning I don’t really know, but am just offering my hypothesis) that part of the reason this sort of works is because it is a projection of Fibonacci related extensions, considering you are drawing a trendline along waves. Part of the reason for the inaccuracy, I think, is because a tiny angle of variance gets magnified over distance (i.e. if you were to shoot a gun at a target 100 yard away, then were to move the front of the gun by only one millimeter then that change in angle could make the second bullet be off the mark by a considerable amount). When do you use this? You don’t arbitrarily go connecting all the minor trends all the time. When you see the market making a significant trending movement then you whip out this tool from your trading toolbox to get a sense for the potential resistance/support area. How do you use this? Well you simply use this as a minor “reason” for anticipating areas of potential support & resistance.

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