الأحد، 28 أغسطس 2016

DUDS forex

نتيجة بحث الصور عن فوركس

What’s a “dud”? It is those times when nothing seems to happen. Sometimes you don’t see the explosive price changes you hoped to see. Realistically, most of your attempts will result in a dud, but the winning times more than pay for your wasted time. Maybe you picked a wrong time, or the Fundamental Announcements were not really of any importance. Anyhow you should know if the trading session is a dud if nothing significant happens within three minutes of the anticipated Announcement. This is part of the reason why you increase the highs/lows by 10 pips, so you can usually get out before you get into a trade. At this point close any pending entry orders. If one of your entry orders have been triggered then “oh well”, it’s like a coin toss – it may or may not go in your favor – just set the limit for 20 pips and see what happens. You could end up with a 10 pip loss or a 20 pip gain. As soon as you are in profit of 6 or more pips then immediately replace your stop at the entry price, this way if it goes back down the trade results in a zero loss (or you could exit the trade manually to take the small profit – your choice). Cross your fingers and hope it results in a profit, but at least you shouldn’t loose. If you are going to experience losses with this system then this is where it will happen (unless you foolishly forget to strategically trail your stops on winning trades as explained in this eBook). Plan now for the next trading opportunity. Please remember that not every time will you experience those price explosions, but they do typically happen several times a week, and when you catch some of them you’ll profit handsomely. 

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