الجمعة، 26 أغسطس 2016


If you have pending orders (of any type) then if you change your mind about the order you can either cancel it or modify it. To cancel a pending order simply right-click on it and select “Cancel Order”. To modify a pending order simply right-click on it and select “Modify Order”. You will now be able to change the variables of the order such as the strike price. 


 If you’ve been trading with FXCM or RefcoFX for a while then you might have become accustomed to the fact that your stops and limits are tied to your trade, and that by manually exiting the trade those other things are automatically canceled as well. You need to be cautious however when using

these other types of brokers because your stop loss order might NOT be tied to your active trade, and so you need to check to make sure that it too has been cancelled (if needed then cancel it manually). The danger is that if you were to exit a trade but not cancel your stop then if you were to leave your computer for the rest of the day the market might reverse, hit your “stop”, and activate it into a trade that DOESN’T have a stop loss to it! You could potentially come back the next day to find that you’ve lost a huge amount of money due to a tiny stupid mistake such as this. The bottom line is to always be sure that any corresponding Stops and Limits are placed / canceled when you are trading, and get into the habit of checking everything before you close your computer for the day.  

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