الاثنين، 29 أغسطس 2016


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪forex‬‏

THE “AT WORK” TECHNIQUE Someone once commented that this strategy is great if you can be in front of your computer, but hard to do if you have to be at work at the optimum time to do the trade, or driving to work, or have to be elsewhere. Here is a suggested approach if you are in such a situation. Please understand that I don’t normally do this myself, however from looking at such trading times it appears to work about as well. It is very important for this that you have a digital wristwatch that is VERY accurately set with the correct time. Use an internet world time server to synchronize your computer’s clock, and then carefully synchronize your watch with that (if you use a more recent version of Microsoft Windows – otherwise find another way to get accurate time, or better yet sync the time against your chart’s time.). Though please remember that when you are in front of your computer trading pay attention to the times displayed on your charts, not your watch.

Plan to have a break from whatever you are doing starting at five minutes before the announcement time. If you are at work go for a washroom break or a smoke break (if you are a smoker). If you are driving then pull over, or stop whatever you are doing. You may want to program your wristwatch’s alarm to go off at that time to remind you (it really sucks when you miss a great trade by simply forgetting). Simply call your broker’s order desk (toll-free) to have an order placed for you. Make sure you know broker phone etiquette when you call – etiquette info is usually posted on your broker’s website. Unfortunately you can’t practice placing demo orders this way, so be really mentally prepared the first time you do this. At precisely one minute before the announcement time (i.e. 8:29am) call your broker. You want to know the price spread at that time for the currency pair of interest. Usually a price is quoted as a spread (of say 5 pips), such as 1.1289/1.1284, where the higher price is for buying, and the low number is for selling. Here now is where you have to do some very quick math. As soon as you get the numbers it may help to write them down to see them while you are doing fast mental mathematics. You want to add 15 pips to the high number, and subtract 15 pips to the low number to get your entry prices. Then calculate what your stop points are (hint for easier mental math, just add/subtract 5 pips from your starting numbers since you padded 15, take away 10 leaves you with 5. Then you want to figure out your 20 pip limit points (hint, just add/subtract 35 to your original numbers). It is very important to have the limit if you are doing this away-fromcomputer strategy as how will you know when to exit your trade

profitably? At the resource website is a little chart you can download and print to make your life easier with all of this. The reason for the 15 pip spread is since you can’t see what the highs and lows are for the past couple of minutes you have to simply take a chance that 15 pips will be far enough apart to not get falsely triggered into a trade. Call your broker three minutes after the Announcement time, ask if you have any pending entry orders, and if so then tell them to cancel it. Ask the broker for the current price spread and if you are still in the trade and the price is over your entry point then tell the broker to change your stop to your entry price (to lock out loss potential). Needless to say this method does involve a bit more risk, but it can be worth it. Good luck with this approach if you plan on using it. It should work for you, but before you do first make sure you practice with your demo accounts in front of your computer to be sure you fully understand how to do this. You may want to do so demo trading first with the numbers suggested above to see how well it works for you. 

AT NIGHT TRADING This isn’t really a technique but rather a suggestion on how to capture those price explosions when you would normally be sleeping. If the Fundamental Announcement calendar says there will be some announcement that you think may be a profitable opportunity during hours that you would normally be sleeping then do this.

Set your alarm clock to wake you up ten minutes before the announcement time. Hopefully your spouse will be agreeable to letting you do this. Set your mind to jump out of bed at the alarm; no time for snoozing. Proceed to turn on your computer, open your charts and your trading account (live or demo for practice). You should have already decided in advance (you may be too tired to think) what currency pair you plan to trade and be aware of any technicals (i.e. trends, fibs, whatever), and you can now take a quick look to see what happened if those things are of any interest to you. At two minutes before announcement time start calculating your buy/sell entry prices & stops. At one minute before announcement time start entering your entry orders, taking any last minute price changes into consideration if needed. Now you wait and see what happens. If by three minutes after announcement time nothing happens (dud) then close your pending orders and go back to sleep. If it does skyrocket then close your other pending order, replace your stop of the active order to the entry price to protect from any losses. Next decide what you want to do, either set it for a 20 pip limit (or better if you feel it’s going well) and go back to bed, baby-sit it for ten minutes to catch more profits, or if you expect that it should continue in that direction for a while (due to your technical analysis) then leave your stop for a zero loss (or stop at some profit level if it skyrocketed far enough) without any limit and go back to sleep. You’ll sleep well knowing that you won’t loose anything, but could wake up to a nice profit.

Either way, by five minutes after announcement time you should go back to bed. Try not to think about the trade to fall asleep easier. Basically you took 15 minutes out of your sleep schedule; is it worth doing this to possibly gain 20 or more pips? Me, personally, I think so, and so does my wife. THE “BIGGER CHANCE” APPROACH After having some experience with 20 pip limits and feel quite comfortable doing this then try a 30 pip limit or even 35. Remember, the farther your limits the greater the risk that it might not work out, however 30 pips is still relatively safe. THE “GONE SURFING” APPROACH If you have some time available in front of your computer then don’t use a limit, go for even more pips. As soon as your trade has been activated and moves up at least 10 pips then immediately replace your stop to be at your entry price, and cancel the other pending entry order. After this the worst case scenario would be a zero gain/loss. After the price has gone 30 pips above your opening price then replace your stop up 20 pips. After this the worst case scenario would be that you gained 20 pips, you can’t loose! All this should have already happened within 15 minutes after the Fundamental Announcement time. You now have two choices: Choice 1 – Baby Sitting - Continue trailing your stops following your profits by 15 pips (or 10 pips before the pull-backs – this is the better way) and see how far it goes before you get stopped out. You could easily get 35 to 100 pips this way in one good trading session. Be sure to get out before end of market overlap closing time (what is “market overlap”? See below).

Now look at chart 4. As you can see you could have easily captured your 20 pips, had you set your limits, and would have been out of the trade within 5 minutes after announcement time. However if you had done a little baby-sitting you could have gotten an easy 60 to 70 pips. You would have also noticed, by checking larger time-frame charts such as 5min or hourly charts that the price was trending up (see chart 5 – right side), and since the price explosion went up that alone should have indicated to you that there was a good opportunity to baby-sit it, and get out before market overlap close time. Choice 2 – Sailing On - If you are somewhat more of an experienced trader and see that the price is moving in the direction of the trend (according to any of your technical assessments – i.e. acting as an extension of a large fibonacci swing) then you may want to simply leave your stop for a 20 pip gain (so in the worst case scenario you at least made 20 pips) and let it ride for a couple of days (or limit where you forecast a reversal – i.e. near the end of a fibonacci extension or close to a trend line bounce level). Could gain 100, 200, 300 or possibly more pips. Use protective stops to secure your profit at lows/highs (trailing stops). This is by far my favorite method. Just make sure you exit the position before end of trading on Friday (why? See below)

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